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The Los Angeles School of Biodanza

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The general direction is in charge of
Carmen Llamas Aranda.

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The school is located in Los Angeles California.

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The titles are private and granted by the
International Biocentric Foundation, which
are valid throughout the world.

Curriculum and training program

The training process is 3 years and comprises of 30 modules that are performed as follows:

- 28 workshops, 2 seminars 
1 weekend per month

Each module starts Saturday at 9 am until Sunday at 6 pm, and is coordinated by different didactic teachers.


  1. Definition and Theoretical Model of Biodanza
  2. Vital Unconscious and Biocentric Principle
  3. Vivencia
  4. Biological Aspects of Biodanza
  5. Physiological Aspects of Biodanza
  6. Psychological Aspects of Biodanza
  7. Mythical and Philosophical Aspects of Biodanza
  8. Identity and Integration
  9. Trance and Regression
  10. Contact and Caresses
  11. Human Movement
  12. Vitality
  1. Sexuality
  2. Creativity
  3. Affectivity
  4. Transcendence
  5. Mechanisms of Action of Biodanza
  6. Applications and Extensions of Biodanza
  7. Biodanza Ars Magna
  8. Biodanza and Social Action
  9. The Music in Biodanza
  10. to 28 - Methodology I to VII - Musical semantics, exercises, the Biodanza session, weekly classes and marathon, the group.
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